Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!

Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!I will be sharing my reviews of books I have read, many of which I enjoy, and some, perhaps not so much. My experience in the retail end of the publishing industry gives me vast opportunity to select books of all sorts. Besides fiction, I will review philosophy, metaphysics, memoir, history, politics, business, sociology, science and just about everything except sports-related books. Severe punishment for me would be to be forced to read about a sport. I enjoy playing golf. You would have to pay me by the long dull hour in order to get me to read a book about it. You are welcome to comment and share your own views about any book I review here.
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

THE SEARCH by Nora Roberts

Unlike many women, I had never read anything by Nora Roberts until now. I had falsely assumed her books were simply romantic fluff. I am not too proud to enjoy being proven wrong!
I picked this book up to show to a customer in the book store a few weeks ago, and as I handed it to her, it caught my attention. Blah blah blah...
And so, I read it. Devoured it actually.
First of all, Ms Roberts is a very good story teller and  weaves many tendrils together to create fully fleshed- out characters of many dimensions. Her characters are people I wish I knew. And one of them reminds me a bit of an old friend...
This story is a thriller, in a sense, and combines intrigue with the hard work  of training and running search and rescue dogs, and tosses in just a wee bit of romance, just to add some hoped for spice.
The 'searches' her team are called on to locate are both typical of the real world and touching in their vulnerabilities and foibles.
The dogs... well the dogs are as well-developed as the humans and as integral to every aspect of the book.
I will say no more.
Best Wishes,