Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!

Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!I will be sharing my reviews of books I have read, many of which I enjoy, and some, perhaps not so much. My experience in the retail end of the publishing industry gives me vast opportunity to select books of all sorts. Besides fiction, I will review philosophy, metaphysics, memoir, history, politics, business, sociology, science and just about everything except sports-related books. Severe punishment for me would be to be forced to read about a sport. I enjoy playing golf. You would have to pay me by the long dull hour in order to get me to read a book about it. You are welcome to comment and share your own views about any book I review here.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cutting for Stone by Dr. Abraham Verghese

This delightful book , Cutting For Stone, by Dr. Verghese is truly a novel novel.
I question whether it is purely fiction or if perhaps it may contain the seed of a true familial history. Or perhaps legend. Several people from India travel to Ethiopia to work in a charity hospital several decades ago, during the reign of Haile Selassie.
Every possible human emotion is tenderly and viciously portrayed as the individuals encounter very real life in the conditions of northern Africa in the late 1940s and early50s. We find a vanishing doctor, a frighteningly out of date X-ray machine, A cherished and rare radio, a pregnant nun, peculiar medical conditions indemic to the African continent, abandoned children, loving foster care, magickal twins, female mutilation, and every odd take on religion you could imagine. And lots of love in many variant forms.
Not a thriller, but thrilling. Not a romance, yet romantic. Not a mystery, yet intriguing. Not a history book, yet historical.
I was not planning on reading it, because I was stuck within a couple of genres that were good escape reading, but Dr. Verghese himself stopped in to do a signing, and personally requested that I give it a chance. And so I did. And I am so glad. Thank you, Dr. Verghese for giving us all such a truly marvelous book.
Reviewed by Victoria

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