Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!

Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!I will be sharing my reviews of books I have read, many of which I enjoy, and some, perhaps not so much. My experience in the retail end of the publishing industry gives me vast opportunity to select books of all sorts. Besides fiction, I will review philosophy, metaphysics, memoir, history, politics, business, sociology, science and just about everything except sports-related books. Severe punishment for me would be to be forced to read about a sport. I enjoy playing golf. You would have to pay me by the long dull hour in order to get me to read a book about it. You are welcome to comment and share your own views about any book I review here.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Heart and the Fist by Eric Greitens

Published this year and still in hardcover, Eric's book informs, educates and holds one's attention from first word until last. His personal story of how he went from aid-giving humanitarian to Navy Seal is a gripping and heart-warming narrative.
Eric traces his journey from  student, whose summers are spent volunteering with assorted relief agencies in Third World countries through his realizations that 'aid' is not much help at all; through his exemplary college career; his subsequent decison to join the Navy and his motivation to become a Seal to help make the world a better place.
He takes us along on his rigorous special ops training. Personally, I had no previous concept of what Navy Seal, or Army Ranger or any other special forces training encompassed. I remain in awe.
You will come away with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the value of our armed forces and the depth of the sacrifices they make for you and me, for our country and for the world.

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