Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!

Welcome to Victoria's Book Reviews!I will be sharing my reviews of books I have read, many of which I enjoy, and some, perhaps not so much. My experience in the retail end of the publishing industry gives me vast opportunity to select books of all sorts. Besides fiction, I will review philosophy, metaphysics, memoir, history, politics, business, sociology, science and just about everything except sports-related books. Severe punishment for me would be to be forced to read about a sport. I enjoy playing golf. You would have to pay me by the long dull hour in order to get me to read a book about it. You are welcome to comment and share your own views about any book I review here.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Shack by William P. Young

This book has sold millions. Personally, in the stores I have worked, I would estimate that I have myself sold over 500 copies. The author came in and found I had not read it. He basically begged me to read it. So eventually, I did. It's always good to have talking points, afterall...
The beginning was slow and dreary. The middle held some interesting metaphysical experiences, which were, for me the significant part of the book, even though they were pretty fluffy. The end sucked.
This book appeals to those who are insecure in their faith, who are filled with fear but not willing to admit to it. Not a tome of depth or great meaning, the only reason to read it is so you can converse with others in your book club or Sunday School class if they choose it as a topic.
I have not previously reviewed books I did not like, but I think it is unfair not to do so.

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